First Stage

Preliminary calculations and experiments to establish the techno-economic feasibility of biorefineries in the agricultural sector in Mexico.


  • Definition of plant capacities (100-500 ton (DB)/day) suitable for the Mexican economic and agricultural scales.

  • Operating conditions for thermochemical pretreatment and enzymatic saccharification were established to achieve maximum yields at a laboratory scale using conventional technologies.

  • Conceptual design of an advanced bioethanol production facility at 10³ ton (wheat straw or wasted mushroom compost DB/day) scale achieving a total production cost of 0.58 USD/lt. A parametric analysis was carried out of total production costs versus plant capacity and feedstock price. 

  • Conceptual design of a biorefinery for the coproduction of advanced bioethanol and biohydrogen using agricultural residues at 10³ ton feedstock DB/day scale. Parametric analysis of total production costs versus plant capacity and feedstock price.

  • Definition of key biorefining technologies to be developed in stage 2 and 3 of the project to produce advanced biofuels.

Institutions & Funding

Science and Technology Council of the State of Jalisco (CoecytJal), Energy Sources Mexican Network and Cinvestav Unidad Guadalajara.